Finding a Job – Four Tips to Differentiate Yourself from the Competition

Your resume looks great and you’ve nailed the all-important job interview. Now it’s time to make your final push for the job offer. How can you make sure you’ll shine during your interview?
It’s my experience that applicants who fail to prepare for the job interview rarely make the final cut. Here are four tips to get you hired:

  1. Research the company or organization using Internet sources, your local library, and your network. Prepare a profile based on your research.
  2. Draft at least two questions for the interview using your research that demonstrates knowledge of the organization and your interest.
  3. When the interviewer asks if you have any questions, ask at least one question more if possible.
  4. Practice answering questions so you can confidently and persuasively articulate your strengths, experience, background, and knowledge.

Good luck!

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