The Secret To Retirement Without Financial Trouble

Here are six statistics that will make you cringe about retirement. 1. At Age 65: – 45% are dependent on relatives – 30% are dependent on charity – 23% are still working – 2% are self-sustaining Source: Social Security Administration, Washington, D.C. 2. Cost & Result of Stock Trading: – 97% lose money – 2%…

Movie Review: Rosenstrasse- The Hidden Heros of the Holocaust

In Berlin in 1943 on a street called Rosenstrasse, Jewish men were rounded up for deportation to concentration camps and certain death. Based on a true story, Rosenstrasse, tells the story of how their Aryan wives fought to save their lives. Judy Rieser reviews Rosenstrasse. Film: Rosenstrasse Running Time: 136 minutes Staring: Katja Riemann, Maria…