Purim Explained in 805 Words or Less

Martin Bodek, Co-founder of TheKnish.com, takes a humorous look about the Jewish holiday of Purim and it’s traditions. Purim, which means “18th Amendment, my foot” commemorates the time Xerxes (the English translation of Achashverosh – easier to type, what with all the letters being on the left side of the keyboard and all) threw a…

The Eight Days of Chanuka

Martin Bodek, Co-founder of TheKnish.com, gives us a humorous look at his delicious Chanukah and its consequences. On the first day of Chanuka, My leebshaft gave to me The fattiest sufganiyot that I’ve ever seen. On the second day of Hannuka, My zeeskeit gave to me Two oily latkes And the drippiest sufganiyot that I’ve…

Succos Explained in 839 Words or Less

Martin Bodek, Co-founder of TheKnish.com, explains the Jewish holiday of Succos in just 839 words, while standing on one leg. Succos – This means, “Eight day zoning violation” and celebrates the time the Jews broke the Guinness record for wandering the longest before finally asking for directions. The Jews built sukkahs for shelter when they…

Jewish Dating Jitters, Part IV

Marting Bodek reveals more humor in Jewish Dating rituals. Phone Call Transition – There’s a point during the initial shidduch call when you have to actually set a time and day for your date. This is the closest most of us will ever come to actually asking a girl out. There are three categories for…

Shidduch Agencies- A Guide to Jewish Matchmaking Services

Martin Bodek pokes some harmless fun at matchmakers. The N.S.A. (National Shadchens Association): The governing body of all shidduch agencies. Their primary directive is pairing people together on the basis that one party is male and the other is female. This organization has the espionage capability to uncover so much of your past that they…

Jewish Dating Jitters, Part III

Marting Bodek reveals more humor in Jewish Dating rituals. Robbing the Bank – This is usually the first stop on a boy’s itinerary for his date preparation. You have to fatten your wallet with as much cash as possible, because – like a Boy Scout – you have to be prepared. After holding up your…

Can’t We All Just Daven Along?

That’s it. I’ve had it. I cannot go to Shul (synagague) anymore. I’m gonna start davening (praying) at the “Kosel” to avoid all the humans that are driving me up the wall (no pun intended, on second thought, ok fine, it’s intended). I don’t know what’s happened lately – maybe it’s global warming, heck I…

Jewish Dating Jitters, Part II

Martin Bodek reveals more humor in the Jewish dating rituals. The Car Wash: No girl in the history of dating has ever mentioned to her date that his car is impressively shiny and well manicured. Yet, we go stone bonkers crazy making sure our vehicles are spotless, and I DO mean spotless, for our date.…

Jewish Dating Jitters

Martin Bodek takes a humorous looks at the dating rituals surrounding going on a shiduch date- it’s not as simple as just showing up. The Call: Here is where it all begins, you have to call. Mind you, we never call at the right time. After putting you on hold, you start talking. Now you…