Be Prepared for the Next Career Opportunity

Nothing beats the facts when asked to provide input for your performance evaluation, justification for a position upgrade, or your stellar qualifications for a promotion. Since performance and experience data is hard to locate quickly, do what savvy professionals do to prepare for any career-related opportunity: Establish and maintain an annual file of your work…

10 Tips How To Answer Interview Questions

A client called from a cellular phone just before entering an interview. He quickly queried, “What are they looking for if they ask me what are my career plans?” The time to think through and determine how you will present your qualifications is well before you plan to walk through the employer’s door. Job interviews…

At A Loss For Words To Describe Your Organization?

Who you work for; Fortune 500 firm, entrepreneurial start-up, or retail chain can have an impact in future job or career opportunities. How you describe your organization on your resume, bio, or in framing the response to an interview question may be an influencing factor in moving on or staying put. Use the following tips…

Beating Job Stress

Individuals who are unhappy in their jobs have found making a job change difficult in this shaky economy and tight job market. If you are unhappy with your boss, co-workers, commute, work environment, or job responsibilities and you just can’t make a job change, you are setting yourself up for stress and potential health problems.…

Job Offer? Think Carefully Before Saying Yes

Finding the “right job” can be as tough as finding the “right mate.” Most people don’t jump at the chance to pair up just because someone asks – and this should be true for the job offer too. Most people think carefully to identify and describe the qualities they desire in the “right mate.” It…

Handling the Salary Question

Job seekers find the salary question a tough one to answer. If you ask for too little, you may be hired and paid less than your colleagues. But, if you ask for too much, the answer may knock you out of the running. You can�t use a crystal ball to predict the most appropriate answer…

Five Simple Steps to Offer Support

When speaking with someone going through a difficult experience communications need not be elaborate to make a difference. Robbie Miller Kaplan offers five tips to ease the experience. 1. Write a note to share your sadness, feelings, or memories and let the recipient know they are in your thoughts and prayers. 2. Bring a meal.…