Sit Right

A poor work environment can lead to a myraid of pain. Use the Ergonomic Workplace Planner to trailor your workspace directly to your height.

Can You Eat and Lose Weight?

That sounds like a rediculous question- of course when you eat you gain weight. But the following foods give you almost no calorie intake so they’ll make excellent snacks. sparagus beet broccoli green cabbage carrot cauliflower celery root celery chicory hot chili peppers cucumber dandelion endive garden cress garlic green beans zucchini apple cranberries grapefruit…

The Bubble, An Eyton Fox Film

“Love, Love Tel Aviv” is the slogan on the T-shirt designed by Lulu that is worn by most of the main characters in Eyton Fox’s latest film, “The Bubble.” The T-shirt depicts the yearning for peace, sensitivity, tolerance, and freedom of four young people who live in and around Tel Aviv. The film tries to…

What is a Life Coach and Why Do I Need One?

The new craze is having a life coach. But is it for me? Do I need a life coach? “My life is fine,” your saying to yourself, “it has its ups and downs but overall it’s ok”. But what if life could be better? There is a dream inside you that is waiting to burst…

A Night to Remember

One question that is asked at the Passover Seder is “Why is this night different from all other nights?” For Hannah that question is asked and answered during a Passover Seder when she is taken on a time traveling adventure back to a small town in Poland where her cousin Rivkah/Eva lives. After spending an…