Working on Jewish Holidays

The Passover holiday represents a dichodomy of Jewish feelings. On one hand it commemorates Jewish freedom with wine etc. On the other hand it commemorates the Jewish slavery with marror etc. As we sit at the Seder table we may be feeling the same mixed emotions about our freedom from work- but the drudge that something may be going wrong at the office.
In this season of Donald Trump’s Apprentice one such conflict took place as two Jewish contestants refused to work on Rosh Hashanah- there was another Jewish contestant that thought this was just an excuse. Join the discussion on on its effect on Jews in the workplace. Read the classic article: Matzah in the Workplace: Being Jewish in the Workplace During the Holidays

But don’t get too worked up, as Trump would say “That’s life”. Here’s some humorous articles to help you relax:
Pesach computer cleaning guidelines
Why real men love the holidays

Cooking and Cleaning
One more aggravation before we get to Passover the cooking and cleaning. Save time and aggrevation with Ten Tips for Reducing Pesach Pressure and Time-saving Pesach tips for overworked mothers. Also look for specific instructions on How to clean your keyboard and How to Double the Life of Your Dryer.

In the kitchen you can check if an item is kosher for passover by looking at’s Passover section. Also be an observant consumer, are you being overcharged for Passover food?

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